
Monday, November 12, 2012

Working With Wool

I'm finally back from Seattle and just starting to head back into the usual swing of things.  Knit Fit was a really incredible experience and I'm already looking forward to next year.  The whole event was kicked off with a talk, slide show, and display of sweaters brought to us by Sylvia Olsen, author of Working With Wool: A Coast Salish Legacy and the Cowichan Sweater, among many other books.  Thank you Sasa and Hannah for bringing us such an excellent speaker!

I was especially honored to be asked to introduce Sylvia.  And as you can see, I was pretty excited, and I talk with my hands.

In the first row, Cirilia Rose and Ann Weaver were sitting next to me as enraptured as I was.  I adore a room full of knitters and sweaters!  I was seriously in love with Ann's sweater, The Line, as well.  It's from her latest book, White Whale Volume 2.  The photos don't do justice to the vibrant shades of yellow and yellow-green by Dragonfly Fibers.  Kits for the sweater are even available, and I feel a serious need to get me one.

Sylvia talked about the history of Coast Salish knitters and the people who have worn the beautiful sweaters they made.  She finished her presentation by discussing the current trends, including Cowichan knitting in the media.  Of course it was great fun to hear her talk about The Big Lebowski.

It was the perfect start to a fantastic weekend.  Thanks again, Sylvia, Hannah, and Sasa!  My next entry will be about my class at Knit Fit.  

What was your favorite part of Knit Fit?

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